Sunday, February 9, 2014


I decided to write or have 2 posts for my trip to Teotihuacán because it was a great trip and I took so many photos! It was amazing to travel to a different part of Mexico and see pyramids that were built thousands of years ago! Truly Amazing!  Here is a link where you can read up on what the pyramids are and just how old they are and stuff like that. :)

It was SUPER hot on Saturday when we went, so it's a good thing I wore shorts, had a hat and sunglasses along or I probably would have almost died. If the stairs wouldn't kill me, the heat sure would. Sunburn was inevitable no matter how much sunscreen you put on. I only got sunburn on my arms thank goodness, but other people got it a ton worse than I did. One boy threw up on one of the pyramids (gross, don't walk there). And later went to the hospital for apparently being dehydrated. You can't mess with the heat in Mexico, that's for sure, especially when you're on top of a giant pyramid with the sun beating down on you and there's no shade around.

The pyramids were so cool! SO MANY STAIRS, but it was worth it once you got to the top because you could literally see like 20 or more different cities of Mexico. I think the guide said you could see 35 different cities from the top of one of the pyramids. WOW! The process of getting to the top of the pyramid was brutal. First, did I mention how hot it was? It was so hot, you gotta carry your dumb back pack, and the stairs were not very even. They were either like 2 feet tall each, or the step part was so small that you had to walk sideways up the pyramid, or both! Good thing they built some railings. And the pyramids are quite steep too, so walking up the stairs of the pyramid was no walk in the park.

After visiting the pyramids all day, we went to a nearby hotel to swim, eat dinner, ride a mechanical bull, go on a slip and slide, and played games like volleyball, soccer, and just lay in the sun. It was great. I didn't play any of the sports  though because I definitely didn't want to risk getting hurt. After the whole dehydration thing, another kid in our group got smacked in the head by something and was bleeding all over from his head, and then another kid got smacked in the arm by something - probably a volleyball, and was holding his arm the rest of the day. Not to mention, the various people who got smacked in the head or the face by the volleyball. Nope, I was definitely not going to take a chance.

It was a fun filled day and I'm glad I went!

Today I did homework all day long since I didn't get to do any yesterday, but thankfully I didn't have as much as I thought and it didn't take me a super long time to do! woohoo! We went to abuelita's house for lunch with Laura and Laura's daughter Paulina, and Paulina's dog Dorita and Sofia of course. We had this lentil hot dog type of soup, and then I had guacamole with these spicy cheesy chile things in a corn tortilla and I even tried a little bit of a cactus mixture! People sure like their cactus here, but I'm not really a fan. It tastes too squishy for my liking. Then we had a little piece of cake that Laura's daughter Melissa made because she takes cake making and decorating classes on the weekends. It was good!

Now I'm just home alone, writing this blog post and babysitting the 2 dogs while Paulina and Laura went to the movies. It's quite relaxing because it's just me and the dogs sitting on my bed with the window open and a breeze coming through. I'm going to have to sleep with the window open tonight I think, and with one less blanket. And lastly, I'm kinda sorta starting to plan my spring break. I think (as of right now) that Myself and my friend Amelie (from Germany) are going to go to Islas Mujeres which is an island near Cancun. The planning is still in the works, so it might  change with time, but as of right now, that's where we are going or would like to go! Also, after talking with my mom on skype today, I'm hoping that next summer or so, we can go to somewhere in Europe as a girls trip! I don't know which girls that would be, probably my sisters and other female relatives and friends, but hopefully that happens too!

I guess in ending, I love to travel, and can't wait to see what other places I am able to go to and experience!

Hasta Luego!


  1. Your blog post made me laugh. It sounds like the pyramids were quite the experience! You will have so many good memories. Keep posting the pics - I love seeing them!

  2. I would have died on top of that pyramid. No question about it.
    Hahaha, it sounds like it was a very action filled day! People throwing up and're smart for taking it easy during the sports, Leah Bee.
    I'm so excited about your spring break!! Sounds like a tropical paradise!
